Freedom and recovery from both a brain tumor and Islam!

Bachu*, retired after years of service in India’s central government, came from a long line of Islamic leaders. Since childhood, he had been steeped in the ways of Islam. His wife grew up in a traditional Islamic family as well, and followed the rules to the letter.

Living near the mosque in their village made it even easier for them to be obedient to the many customs of Islam. So on retirement, it seemed natural that Bachu take on the role of President of their mosque’s Jama’ath Committee (similar to a Christian church’s Parish Committee).

One frightening night about four months ago, Bachu’s wife heard him screaming and babbling nonsensically outside in the dark. When she tried to bring him back in, he didn’t even recognize her and kept up with the gibberish. She called relatives as well as the Imam (mosque leader) for help, and all came immediately. When the Imam attempted to pray over Bachu to cast out any evil spirits in Allah’s name, Bachu spit at him, screaming for him to leave immediately. The Imam remained while Bachu continued his shouting and scolding.

Bachu’s wife and relatives, realizing he needed medical attention, rushed him off to hospital where, thankfully, he was quickly examined by a specialist. A dangerous tumor could be seen growing in his brain, and off he went for surgery. All seemed to go well, so in a few days, Bachu was back home to recover.

Two months later, however, he needed to be re-admitted to hospital when his confusion and memory problems returned. Doctors discovered a brain bleed, but decided against further surgery and recommended he simply return home and try to keep resting. They offered little hope.

Pastor Surcaf of Bibles for Mideast, living not far away, heard about the man’s plight from some members of his church. Knowing well our God of Hope, the pastor also knew he had to visit, offer prayer, and share the only ‘hope for the hopeless’ there is.

But when he showed up at Bachu’s home with his assistant, Bachu’s wife had other ideas, and told them rather pointedly to leave. Bedridden Bachu witnessed the scene and surprised everyone by reaching out for the pastor’s hand and placing it on his own head. While his wife remained silent, her expression proclaimed loud disapproval. 

Pastor Surcaf took his cue from the Lord and from the sick man, and began to pray aloud while several of Bachu’s family members stood around and listened in. As part of his prayer, the pastor explained the basics of Jesus’ birth, ministry, crucifixion, death and resurrection … and then delved deeper still, into the healing power of Jesus and salvation for all.

He looked into Bachu’s tear-filled eyes. “Do you believe in Jesus?” he asked.

Shaking his head in agreement, Bachu again reached for the pastor’s hand and placed it on his own head. The kindly pastor prayed now more directly for Bachu’s healing and salvation. When he’d finished, Bachu reached for the pastor’s hand again—but this time, for help in getting up! And with the helping hand, Bachu stood. He thanked Jesus and Pastor Surcaf while everyone else stood by amazed at what they had just witnessed.

For the next two days, Pastor Surcaf and his team visited Bachu, sharing the gospel and praying for him and his family.

Bachu now feels fully recovered, and doctors can find no evidence of the tumor which almost killed him.  We rejoice over this marvelous miracle of healing and salvation. Please join us in praying for Bachu and family and all those who ‘overheard’ the gospel at his home. Bachu’s faith in Jesus matures and strengthens daily. His two children—one a physician and the other an IT professional—are also growing in their faith in Jesus. Please keep them all in your prayers.

The mosque’s Imam and members are understandably upset with what has happened, especially since Bachu has also resigned as president of the mosque’s Jama’ath Committee. More prayer needed all around!
*Name changed for security purposes