Exciting 2019 highlights for the ministries of Bibles for Mideast
/(with reporting from Pastor Peter Haneef, President, Assembly of Loving God)
We cannot thank God and our faithful supporters enough for enabling a brilliant year for Bibles for Mideast and its umbrella organization, the Assembly of Loving God.
Twenty-eight new Assembly of Loving God underground house churches were established, seven in Africa (three in Somalia alone), eleven in the Middle East and ten in other parts of south Asia.
Jungle baptismal ceremony
Most excitingly, a grand total of 9,622 people were baptized! 7,932 found freedom from Islam, with the remainder escaping Hinduism, Buddhism and local tribal belief systems. Several thousand more prepare for baptism at this writing. The picture here shows a baptismal ceremony held for new believers at one of our Indian jungle churches several months ago. More recently, on New Year’s eve, over 50 new Christians from various faiths were baptized at a challenging site near another jungle church (Saved from witchcraft ... and crocodiles ... in the Indian jungle).
Pastor Kumar organised and led this month's hospital prayer meeting on January 10, with over 1,000 people in attendance. This is the hospital where he had been taken after the brutal attack on his church and its members last September (that story here).
A number of students and hospital workers shared their testimonies, with many doctors and other staff, even the Managing Director of the hospital, filling the auditorium to capacity. Some nursing students reported that even though their parents opposed their reading the Bible, they continued to do so secretly. And every single new attendee accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord (apologies for the low-resolution photo)!
Rebuilding after Indian mudslides
The ministry continues its work helping a number of families who lost their homes during the 2018 flood and landslides in India. Two houses have been completed and the keys handed over to families while several other homes are still being built. Unfortunately a lack of funds has slowed the work.
Our church in Iran faces severe persecution. One woman, actually a member of the late Ayatollah Khomeini’s family, accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior! After prayer with some of our workers, her cancer vanished and soon, she joined the KIngdom of Jesus. Local Muslims have made attempts on her life. She, other believers and the Bibles for Mideast pastor there live under constant threats of death. But our Lord has kept them safe.
Once again, we thank you for your prayers and financial support … please keep it up. We cannot do any of this without the help of you and God’s people everywhere.
If you feel led to support us in our efforts to reach the lost in many areas restricted to the Gospel, please click here.
As ever, we especially cherish your prayers.