India: Pentecostal Christians seek protection

March 2, 2016 (Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India):  Pentecostal Church affiliates in India have protested against “steadily increasing attacks on Christians,” and asked the government to intervene and shield them from violence.

The Tirunelveli District Pentecostal Churches Federation in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu said they were being attacked by Hindu fundamentalists who want them to stop preaching Christianity, even though the country mandates freedom of religion. The attacks have led them to question their belief that they lived in a democratic and tolerant country.

“Though we’re being targeted, we’ve never retaliated and done anything that would undermine the tranquility of society as Christianity is all about love, compassion and brotherhood,” Pastor Babu Paul Dinakaran, district secretary of the federation, told Bibles for Mideast.

He also asserted that they practice their faith without encroaching on others’ religious rights. “However, heads of a few Hindutva outfits are encouraging their cadres to orchestrate attacks against us,” he added.

Churches in India under attack

Churches in India under attack

They noted that even those distributing the pamphlets and praying in the prayer halls were being attacked. The federation urged the government to take lawful action against the perpetrators, and take down billboards that carry inflammatory messages against religions.

"Not only Pentecostals, but Christians in general are being attacked widely all over India,” says Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast. “We need to live and work peacefully according to our faith and for that we seek protection from persecution.”

The Catholic Secular Forum in India released a report identifying Tamil Nadu among the top five states with the highest numbers of anti-Christian attacks, with the state of Madhya Pradesh leading the list.

Formerly Muslim doctor now evangelizes, plants churches AND treats patients

Living in one of the most unreached places in the world, devout Muslim Sanjay's whole life changed when he was healed from cancer.

Growing up as a devout Muslim, Sanjay gave his life to Jesus and now, despite persecution, shares the gospel with everyone he meets. Since his conversion, Sanjay has led hundreds to faith in Jesus and planted 50 small house churches for believers with Muslim backgrounds.

Sanjay's journey to faith started when he was in hospital in Kolkata, India, having chemotherapy.

"I was crying, and the one name that I did not want to believe in came back to me again and again – the name of Jesus," he says. "I was so weak and so sick. So I prayed to the Lord Jesus and said, 'will you heal me?'"

Slowly, Sanjay began to feel better. Knowing that something had changed, he returned to the hospital for tests and discovered the cancer was gone. He was healed. "I saw that only Jesus can save my life," he says, "nobody else can." Realising that it was Jesus who restored his health, Sanjay gave his life to Christ and got baptised.

West Bengal, where Sanjay lives, is one of the least evangelised places on the planet. When he discovered Jesus was real, Sanjay started preaching the gospel in his Muslim village and telling everyone he could about Christ. It was not well received.

"My family threw me out. They said, 'we want nothing to do with you. Since you have Jesus you can just go away.'" Other people began plotting against him. "They decided to break into my doctor's office where patients used to come and see me," he says.


Sanjay was afraid, and he prayed to God for protection. God acted, leading Sanjay's mother to have compassion on him and to let him come back home.

For years, Sanjay has been persecuted by many in his community for sharing the gospel. But he just won't stop. As well as working as a doctor, Sanjay has dedicated his life to serve as an evangelist and a church planter.

He has found a way to forgive those who persecuted him, as God forgave him. And now, miraculously, those who once attacked him come to him for medical care.

"People who persecuted me for many years got tired. They said, 'the more we tell him not to speak, the more he goes out and preaches'," says Sanjay. "People who wanted to throw me out, now they bring their patients to me and say, 'we're so sorry'."

Having already planted 50 churches for Muslim background believers, Sanjay shows no signs of slowing down – he is keen to press on with his ministry.

"Apart from Jesus there is no life," he says. "I am even more excited to tell others what Jesus has done. Every day I want to live for my Lord and keep on doing what I'm doing. Please pray that I can do more in the days to come."

Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution

A church burned down by Boko Haram in Damascus on March 24, 2015 (Reuters)

A church burned down by Boko Haram in Damascus on March 24, 2015 (Reuters)

Muslims are converting to Christianity in northern Nigeria amid rapidly rising levels of Christian persecution, which has seen more than 10,000 Christians killed in five years, Christian Today reports..

While much media attention has been focussed on Islamic State and the plight of persecuted minorities in the Middle East, close to 11,500 Christians in northern Nigeria were killed between 2006 and 2014, and 13,000 churches destroyed, forcing 1.3 million Christians to flee to safer areas of the country.

In 2014, Boko Haram, an Islamist militant group active mainly in northern Nigeria, was named the world's deadliest terror organisation by the Global Terrorism Index.

In 2015, the number of Christians violently killed in the country increased by 62 per cent to 4,028 people, and 198 churches were attacked according to persecution charity Open Doors' 2016 World Watch List.

A new report, Crushed but not defeated, the impact of persistent violence on the Church in Northern Nigeria by Open Doors and the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) reveals a horrific degree of violence against Christians, but also glimmers of hope from a Church that is determined to remain strong.

CAN, Nigeria's largest confederation of churches, has committed to revive the Church in northern Nigeria, both by grass roots action and by advocacy. It is calling on the UN and other international bodies to engage with the plight of Christians who feel long abandoned.

Marginalisation, discrimination and targeted violence

While Nigeria is technically a secular federal state with religious freedom enshrined in its constitution, "the reality in Northern Nigeria is radically different," said Lisa Pearce, chief executive of Open Doors UK and Ireland.

"For decades, Christians in the region have suffered marginalisation and discrimination as well as targeted violence. This is happening not only in the Sharia states of the Far North where the pressure of Islam is hard felt, but also in the non-Sharia Middle Belt states where Sharia has not been formally implemented."

Crucial to understanding this situation is that there are three distinct perpetrators of persistent violence against Christians in northern Nigeria, united around one cause: "defending northern Muslims' interests, Muslim identity and the position of Islam," the report says.

These perpetrators are not only proponents of radical Islam, such as Boko Haram, but the northern Muslim political and religious elite and the Muslim Hausa-Fulani herdsmen are also major perpetrators of religious violence against Christians.

This has lead to a diaspora of Christians from certain areas, the Christian presence becoming "virtually extinct or substantially diminished", and a break down in social cohesian between Muslims and Christians.

"Mutual trust has disappeared and Muslims and Christians have become increasingly separate groups, clustering together in town suburbs and distinguished rural areas," the report says.

This three-pronged attack against Christianity has left Christians in the north without refuge, unable to conduct themselves in public life or exert public influence.

"Many Christians say they face harassment, hatred, marginalization, intimidation and violence," the report says. "They have very limited freedom to worship and to build churches. They have no real voice in public media, have hardly any access to government positions for employment and are barely represented in local politics. Young Christians feel discrimination at school."

Three quarters of the 122 church leaders Open Doors interviewed said the outlook is bleak.

Renewed faith

But while the report highlights that the Church is hard pressed in northern Nigeria, it remains present.

Many churches are emptying as congregants flee violence and persecution, but those who leave are not abandoning their faith; instead getting involved in church in slightly safer contexts. Although those living in northern Nigeria are unable to participate in politics and are struggling even to provide a livelihood, there has been an increase in Christian political engagement with politics in the Middle Belt states of the country.

Those who are choosing to stay are experiencing a renewed fervour in their faith, according to the report, and some Christians reported that their churches in the north are growing as Muslims convert to Christianity. The report cited reasons including many Muslims having dreams of Jesus.

"Many among the Muslims want to become Christians, but they are afraid of being killed or pressured by fellow Muslims," the report quoted one interviewee as saying.

While there are glimmers of hope on the ground, a response is required from those with higher political power, such as Nigeria's government, the UN and other Western governing bodies.

"Policy makers in churches, governments and society in Nigeria and in the international community should become aware of the scope and impact of the violence," the report recommended.

"There needs to be a united and proper response to end the violence and restore a situation in Northern Nigeria where Muslims and Christians alike can live together, exercise their human rights and have equal access to education, work and property and will have the freedom to worship."

When you worry ...

When you worry about money, you’re telling God that He is unable to provide for His children. That although He has riches beyond belief in Heaven, He is too stingy to share them with you.

When you worry that no one understands you, you’re telling God that although He has been with you since before you were formed in the womb and has carved you into the palm of His hand, He doesn’t know you.

When you worry that you will not have enough food, you’re telling God that although He rained down bread from Heaven in the desert to feed His children, you are the one He’s forgotten.

When you worry that your enemies will have victory over you, you’re telling God that although He has given you spiritual battle gear to defend yourself, that despite His track record of being a giant slayer, Red Sea divider, lion mouth closer and a furnace cooler, He can’t handle your co-worker, your neighbor, or a former friend.

When you worry that no one will love you, that you’ll be lonely for the rest of your life, you’re telling God that His love is insufficient; that He couldn’t possibly love you enough to ward away loneliness. You’re saying that although He has promised life more abundantly, He was lying. That despite the fact that He started off saying that it is not good that we be alone, He has changed His mind.

When you worry and refuse to give the problem over to Him, you’re telling God that although He could create the world, He can’t handle what’s going on in your world, so you will. You are saying that He won’t work things out, that obstacles cannot be overcome, that mountains can’t be climbed, that healing cannot occur, that what is lost will not be found, that joy does not come in the morning, that He is not the God of a second chance, that the Promised Land has been swallowed up by the desert, that you have discovered the height, depth and width of His love and found it to fall short of your needs.

Consider all that you’re saying to (or thinking about) the one who loves you the most and who has all power, really think about it. Then open your hands and release what you’ve been holding onto. Bow down on your knees and ask Him to forgive you for doubting Him. Walk away with a peaceful heart and note the footsteps that go before you to make the crooked places straight, a way in the wilderness and water spring forth in the desert.

Do you feel your joy, your peace, your life has been ruined?

King David was hounded by Saul. The prophet Elijah was threatened by Jezebel. Paul was harmed by Alexander the metalworker. Even Jesus was betrayed by Judas. Has one person ruined your joy? Is there someone’s name that when you hear it, you feel defeated, worried, and ruined?

Can one person ruin our life? Not unless we forget that One Person stands in the gap for us—Jesus Christ. He does not want your life to come to ruin! Praise the Lord.

I am excited, blessed and comforted to know that my Jesus, my Friend, my Saviour stands in the gap on my behalf to keep me from being ruined. We can only be ruined if we give in to the devil and reject the Lord's salvation.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

So, what did God do so that we would not be ruined by the devil?

"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Jesus wants us to walk in His power and strength here and now. "I will bring back my exiled people Israel;  they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit." (Amos 9:14)

Jesus has a way of entering into our lives with the purpose of rebuilding what has been destroyed. He restores what is ruined. Today, you may feel ruined, defeated and depressed.  Friend, please hear me. Jesus wants to keep you from being emotionally ruined now. He wants to restore your emotional heartbreak.

Jesus’ message of restoration, life more abundant, eternal life, is going out right where He wants it to go. Will you allow the Words of Jesus, the love of Jesus, to reach deep into your broken heart?

Dear child of God, you cannot be ruined! You are God's property

Whatever your pain or heartbreak, Jesus will use it to shape you and train you to effectively serve Him in helping others. Now, pick yourself up and in the power and love of Jesus, let's face another day!

When a supernatural force, such as the devil, makes a punching bag out of you, and ruins your day, there is only One who is powerful enough to deliver you—Jesus Christ.  Jesus delivers us from an old, tattered punching bag to a child of the King, dressed in royalty.

Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for holding us up, when we cannot stand. Thank You for picking us up when we are down. In Jesus' name, AMEN!