Bibles for Mideast pastor and family finally to be released from hospital

In our last post (Bibles for Mideast pastor and family hospitalized after brutal attack), we told you the horrific story of a Bibles for Mideast pastor and his family who had all ended up in hospital after a brutal attack by Islamic militants.  

Thanks to prayer and the grace of our Lord, all are now doing vastly better. The youngest, two-year-old Hannah, seems to have suffered the worst injuries—her little body grabbed viciously from her mother’s arms and thrown away during the attack. She had to be readmitted to the ICU, but a week later was shifted to her mother’s room.

While some internal injuries have yet to be completely healed, doctors plan to discharge the family of six this coming Saturday. This is in fact the second hospital they have been in, having to be moved since ‘infiltrators’ had interfered with their receiving proper care at the first.

The attackers had also destroyed the family’s home, which members of the pastor’s congregation have been busily rebuilding. Even some neighbouring Muslim families have joined in the reconstruction. They had visited the family in the hospital, and Pastor Surcaf and his wife had shared with them the gospel of Jesus and His everlasting love. So most now fully support the pastor, many having even ‘switched sides’, now placing their faith in the living Lord Jesus. While the Imam and other of the local mosque’s authorities are far from pleased, so far there has been no more trouble.

Pastor Surcaf shared the gospel of Jesus with more than his visitors, of course. Fellow patients, doctors and other staff in the hospital all heard the ‘best news possible’ from him … how he and his family turned from Islam to Jesus, and now experience a joyful relationship with God through Jesus—in spite of being persecuted. His message could not help but resonate loudly with all who heard!

Once again thank you for your prayers.

Bibles for Mideast pastor and family hospitalized after brutal attack

Pastor Surcaf, the missionary pastor with Bibles for Mideast who played a key role in our last post now desperately, along with his family, needs the prayers of God’s people.

As we told you in that last post, Pastor Surcaf had prayed for the healing and deliverance of a Muslim man named Bachu, with miraculous results (you can read the story here: Freedom and recovery from both a brain tumor and Islam!).

Bachu had been a key leader in his local mosque, but after his healing and conversion, had quit that position. A few days later, he and his family had taken part in three days of prayer and fasting at the ALG Church of Bibles for Mideast under the leadership of Pastor Surcaf. Then, last Sunday, Bachu and his wife received baptism and attended the church’s Sunday service.


A cross is captured through some ornamental railings in the Fort Kochi area in the state of Kerala in South India. | Getty Images


That, however, proved just too much for the congregation of the local mosque, who considered it a tremendous attack towards the mosque and Muslims in general. So they intended to finish off Pastor Surcaf, his family and his home. The night before last, a group of a dozen or more angry Muslim fundamentalists brutally attacked Pastor Surcaf, his wife and four children, as well as set their house ablaze. The family members are now all in hospital with serious injuries, their home a burnt wreck.

Pastor Surcaf’s tiny congregation are praying and doing what they can to assist the hospitalized family. Please join us in prayer for all of them.

Freedom and recovery from both a brain tumor and Islam!

Bachu*, retired after years of service in India’s central government, came from a long line of Islamic leaders. Since childhood, he had been steeped in the ways of Islam. His wife grew up in a traditional Islamic family as well, and followed the rules to the letter.

Living near the mosque in their village made it even easier for them to be obedient to the many customs of Islam. So on retirement, it seemed natural that Bachu take on the role of President of their mosque’s Jama’ath Committee (similar to a Christian church’s Parish Committee).

One frightening night about four months ago, Bachu’s wife heard him screaming and babbling nonsensically outside in the dark. When she tried to bring him back in, he didn’t even recognize her and kept up with the gibberish. She called relatives as well as the Imam (mosque leader) for help, and all came immediately. When the Imam attempted to pray over Bachu to cast out any evil spirits in Allah’s name, Bachu spit at him, screaming for him to leave immediately. The Imam remained while Bachu continued his shouting and scolding.

Bachu’s wife and relatives, realizing he needed medical attention, rushed him off to hospital where, thankfully, he was quickly examined by a specialist. A dangerous tumor could be seen growing in his brain, and off he went for surgery. All seemed to go well, so in a few days, Bachu was back home to recover.

Two months later, however, he needed to be re-admitted to hospital when his confusion and memory problems returned. Doctors discovered a brain bleed, but decided against further surgery and recommended he simply return home and try to keep resting. They offered little hope.

Pastor Surcaf of Bibles for Mideast, living not far away, heard about the man’s plight from some members of his church. Knowing well our God of Hope, the pastor also knew he had to visit, offer prayer, and share the only ‘hope for the hopeless’ there is.

But when he showed up at Bachu’s home with his assistant, Bachu’s wife had other ideas, and told them rather pointedly to leave. Bedridden Bachu witnessed the scene and surprised everyone by reaching out for the pastor’s hand and placing it on his own head. While his wife remained silent, her expression proclaimed loud disapproval. 

Pastor Surcaf took his cue from the Lord and from the sick man, and began to pray aloud while several of Bachu’s family members stood around and listened in. As part of his prayer, the pastor explained the basics of Jesus’ birth, ministry, crucifixion, death and resurrection … and then delved deeper still, into the healing power of Jesus and salvation for all.

He looked into Bachu’s tear-filled eyes. “Do you believe in Jesus?” he asked.

Shaking his head in agreement, Bachu again reached for the pastor’s hand and placed it on his own head. The kindly pastor prayed now more directly for Bachu’s healing and salvation. When he’d finished, Bachu reached for the pastor’s hand again—but this time, for help in getting up! And with the helping hand, Bachu stood. He thanked Jesus and Pastor Surcaf while everyone else stood by amazed at what they had just witnessed.

For the next two days, Pastor Surcaf and his team visited Bachu, sharing the gospel and praying for him and his family.

Bachu now feels fully recovered, and doctors can find no evidence of the tumor which almost killed him.  We rejoice over this marvelous miracle of healing and salvation. Please join us in praying for Bachu and family and all those who ‘overheard’ the gospel at his home. Bachu’s faith in Jesus matures and strengthens daily. His two children—one a physician and the other an IT professional—are also growing in their faith in Jesus. Please keep them all in your prayers.

The mosque’s Imam and members are understandably upset with what has happened, especially since Bachu has also resigned as president of the mosque’s Jama’ath Committee. More prayer needed all around!
*Name changed for security purposes

Successful mission to the Masai in Kenya

We have told you many remarkable stories about Pastor Mustafa, who coordinates Bibles for Mideast in Central Africa. During a recent prayer and fasting session, our pastor sensed a divine call from the Lord to go to Masai Mara in Kenya and share the gospel.

Masai Mara is a large national game reserve in Kenya, contiguous with the Serengeti in Tanzania and about 140 miles from Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. The Masai tribe of around 50,000 people is one of the largest in Kenya. Polygamy and female genital mutilation are both traditional Masai practices.

Pastor Mustafa had visited the region several years ago, impacting one man and one of his wives in particular. The couple had been especially moved by the testimony of Lydia*—someone else we have shared a number of dramatic stories about—and were eager for the pastor to return.  

Lydia, the 14-year-old daughter of a missionary with Bibles for Mideast, had undergone forced and brutal female genital mutilation (FGM) back in 2017. Every girl between 10 and 14 years of age is forced to undergo the brutal practice, and many die—including Lydia—because of it.  

You can read the remarkable three-part account of her dying and being resurrected here:
URGENT CALL TO PRAYER for young Christian victim of female genital mutilation;
Doctors confirm death of young Lydia … BUT GOD!;
Jesus and Salvation in Lydia’s West African Town.]

When young Lydia heard of the planned mission trip, Holy Spirit prophesied through her that the team were to go courageously, for they would “face many mental and physical challenges from the people. But don’t get upset,” she continued, “several people will genuinely respond to the gospel message and be saved.” And she joined the five-member team!

Upon Pastor Mustafa and the team’s arrival in Masai Mara, the whole village was preparing for an FGM ceremony for several young women. Preparations involved evening gatherings for dance, singing and other cultural activities. Pastor Mustafa took advantage of their gathering to share the gospel and his own testimony of leaving Islam for the saving, freeing truth of Jesus Christ.

Lydia also shared her experience of FGM, death, and coming back to life by the touch of the Lord Jesus Christ (Doctors confirm death of young Lydia … BUT GOD!).

She explained graphically and effectively how they must leave the barbaric practice and turn to Jesus instead.  She then instructed them how to receive Jesus Christ as their own personal Lord and Savior.

The people listening--the young men especially—began shouting angrily at her to stop speaking about Jesus and against FGM. Grabbing thorny sticks from the nearby fence, they beat and sent the missionaries running. When the team finally found a safe place to rest, they spent the night in fervent prayer.

As night fell and the team prayed, Holy Spirit fell mightily on the whole village. No one could sleep;  many saw visions of Jesus Christ.

The villagers knew Pastor Mustafa and the team had to be praying somewhere not too far away, and once they located them, begged for forgiveness. Plans for the FGM ceremony were shut down and heaven opened wide as everyone accepted the Lord as their savior.

Pastor Mustafa and the team spent five more days with them, fellowshipping and instructing them further in the precious faith. Please pray for these villagers and the whole Masai tribe.
*name changed for security reasons

Encounter with a ferocious tiger ... and then with Jesus!

Five members of a Bibles for Mideast team—including our dear Pastor Paul—have just returned from spending a week of prayer and fasting in the jungle home of a fellow we’ll call Omar*, who had lost one of his legs in a vicious tiger attack.

Omar and some of his friends had headed out into the deep jungle to hunt, as they often did, for animals, birds, wild honey and various edible fruits. Some of their bounty would help feed their families, the rest they sold in nearby villages and towns.

On this fateful day, however, a fiercely aggressive tiger leapt out of hiding and attacked the hunters, killing one and seriously injuring Omar. Forest rangers on duty managed to rescue Omar, rushing him to the nearest hospital where medics did all they could to help and stabilize him, but, unfortunately, could not save his tattered leg.

One of those rescuing forest rangers ‘just happened’ to be an ALG church member (Assemblies of Loving God, or ALG, being the umbrella group of Bibles for Mideast churches) as well as a volunteer evangelist with Bibles for Mideast. So he prayed for and with Omar, telling him Jesus is the mighty Savior and Healer. While Omar did not accept the words of the forest ranger about Jesus and stuck instead to his Islamic faith, he kept quiet since the ranger was so good and helpful to him.

When Omar shifted to his home from the hospital, the same forest ranger often visited him for prayer and further sharing of the gospel. Omar’s wife and children joyously came to faith in Jesus, but soon became concerned when Omar began expressing his desire to die and end all his pain and discomfort. Only because of the family’s interest and insistence did the team decide on their ‘mission trip’ to their jungle home.

In spite of heavy rains, thunder and lightning for the entirety of the team’s stay, Pastor Paul calls the trip “tremendous.” Omar’s family’s home is, according to Pastor Paul, “a muddy house with grass roofing and no facilities to stay five people, not even bathroom facilities.”

Still, he says, “we enjoyed everything because of the love of Jesus.” Many in the area, both Hindus and Muslims, joined them for the times of prayer and fasting.

During one of those sessions, the Lord Jesus touched Omar palpably, giving him tremendous relief from pain and uneasiness. Now he could sit straight up in his bed! Since the tiger attack and the loss of his leg he had been completely prone in bed but now, for the first time, he could sit up comfortably.

With the supernatural relief came a solid and certain faith in Jesus. Further, hundreds of jungle people who attended the sessions came to faith in Jesus as well.

On the final day of prayer and fasting, 27 believers received baptism. Praise be to God as He adds daily to His Kingdom!

Please pray for these people. Pray as well that Omar can soon be fitted with an artificial leg, and that these many new believers find a place for meeting, worship and prayer.
*Name changed for security reasons